



デザインは全体的には素朴で抽象的なものが多く見られますが、これらのトライバルデザインには独特の法則性があり、深く、豊かなイメージの世界を感じさせます。中でもマルケサス諸島をはじめ、タヒチ、サモア、マオリなどのポリネシアンタトゥー(polynesian tattoo)と呼ばれているモノは顕著ともいえます。








@@@@@ w`ꂩbXv[`Bł򂦂@˂`Bx
@@@@@ wHHHx



【ドM】…… 他人から虐げられることに喜びを見出す性癖。痛みを原動力とし、更なる痛みのためには労力をいとわない。あらゆる苦境を己の快楽へと変換してしまうため、苦難の時代に適応した新人類の姿ではないかと提言する学者もいる。その学者は疲れていたので田舎に帰った。


「暗黒の火曜日(Black Tuesday)」いわゆる大恐慌(Great Depression. Shares)が起こり、シェアは1929年10月24日の「黒い木曜日(Black Thursday)」に劇的に滑り始め、1929年10月29日に、ウォール街(Wall Street)がクラッシュし、1932年7月2日に終わるまで落ち続けた。

[AD] You can advertise on this site.


- 第9章 -



1913年3月3日、ワシントンDCのペンシルベニア・アベニューを行進する女性参政権支持者たち (Library of Congress)





農業における全般的な諸問題に取り組むための最初の組織的な活動は、「Patrons of Husbandry(農業の支援者)」という農民団体によるものであった。この活動は、「グレンジ運動」として知られている。グレンジは、1867年に米国農務省の職員によって設立され、当初は、ほとんどの農家が直面していた孤立的な状況に対応するための社会活動に重点を置いていた。グレンジは、女性の参加を積極的に奨励した。1873年の恐慌をきっかけにグレンジは拡大し、間もなく2万の支部と150万人の会員を持つに至った。



1890年までには、農民の不満は、長年にわたる困難と、マッキンリー関税への反感によって、かつてないレベルに達していた。農民同盟は、彼らに同情的な南部の民主党員や西部の小規模な第3党の協力を得て、政治力を高める活動を推進した。こうして第3の政党である人民党(ポピュリスト党)が誕生した。大平原と綿花の産地に巻き起こったポピュリスト熱は、それまでの米国の政治には見られないものであった。1890 年の選挙によって、南部と西部の12州でこの新しい政党が権力を得た。そして連邦議会に大勢のポピュリスト党議員が誕生した。









人口は約8000万人、 日本の半分より多いくらいです。




















2−1 カビの生育環境


 微生物の生育に水分が不可欠であり、水が全く存在しない環境では全ての微生物が生育不可能である。物質中に含まれている水は通常は遊離水(自由水)、結晶水、水素結合水、水和水(タンパク質、糖質、脂質、その他との水和)および氷の状態で存在しているが、微生物が利用可能な水分は自由水のみである。すなわち自由水とは、環境の温度、湿度の変化で容易に移動、蒸発および氷結が起こる水である。自由水が減少すると生育速度の低下や生育が停止するなど自由水は微生物の増殖に非常に重要な因子となっている。自由水を定量的に表す指標として水分活性(Awwater activity)が用いられている。Awは本によってはawと記載されている場合もある。

 実際の測定は試料を入れた密閉容器内が平衡状態に達した時の湿度(平衡相対湿度:ERHEquilibrium Relative Humidity)を測定することにより水分活性を求めることができる。

 すなわち、試料を入れた密閉容器内の平衡相対湿度が90パーセントならば、Awは0.9となる。なお、大気中の湿度は相対湿度(RHRelative Humidity)で表される。一方、大気中の水分は温度が低下することにより飽和水蒸気圧が低下し、結露が起こる。この結露が起こる温度を露点といい、特殊な露点温度計や電気抵抗値で自動計測することができる。資料等の収納庫や展示ケース内では環境中の水蒸気と常に平衡状態が保たれているため緩やかな温度変化には結露への影響が少ないが、急激な温度変化により結露や水分活性が上昇し、カビ等の生育可能領域に入ると増殖が始まる。これらについてはカビの制御方法のところで解説する。

表2 微生物の生育可能な最低Aw


出芽により増殖する酵母菌の総称。主に実験で使われる種は Saccharomyces cerevisiae

二分裂により増殖する酵母菌の総称。主に実験で使われる種は Schizosaccharomyces pombe











 水生の脊椎動物の世界は、寿命の点からは、陸生の脊椎動物の世界� ��りレンジが広いということになる。





「振り子のリズムで振る」という アドバイスを書いてます。

とりあえず、想定してみ� �ことが最重要です。








ホーム >伝統健康体操と健康法 >チベット体操とヨガ↓

チベット体操とヨガ 目次

|チベット体操とは |第1儀式 |第2儀式 |第3儀式|
|第4儀式 |第5儀式 |最後(第6)の儀式|


 チベット体操は1939年ピーターゲルダー氏の著書「若さの泉」(The Eye of Revelation)によって世界に紹介されました。
「若さの泉」には、著者ピーターゲルダ―氏がインドへ赴任していた軍人"ブラットフォード大佐"に体操を教えてもらうエピソードや、 それにまつわる若返りの神秘的エピソードが載っています。

 チベット体操の効果は、いつの時代でも求められる若返り!アンチエイジングだとされています。 チベット体操メニューは主として5つの"儀式"と呼ばれる体操とプラスアルファの1つの体操からなっています。 ひとつひとつはヨガをしている人が見れば「ヨガに似ているな! 」というものですし、 効果の意味づけはヨガと共通の体内エネルギー器官"チャクラ"に刺激を与えることから来るもののようです。



 【チベット体操第一の儀式(体操)は、直立姿勢、ヨガでいうと"ターダアサナ(山のポーズ)"から 両手を肩の高さに左右に開き時計まわりに体を回転する体操です。】

(チベット体操のそれぞれの回数は、「若さの泉」によると各3回からはじめ、第2週には2回増やし各5回ずつ、 第3週にはさらに2回増やし各7回、と10週には各21回できるように毎週2回を増やしていくということです。

第1の動きは、右回りに回る動きが大地のプラーナ(アパーナ気)を吸い上げる 竜巻のような働きをするんでしょうか?



*参考 回転の意味 同じ運動に見える回転の動きでも、








































医療事故への素因や誘因となる主なものは医療者側の@知識不足A不注意B技術の未習熟であることは否めません。一方、医療のあり方でパターナリズムを排した「患者参加型医療」は患者・医療者関係の中で患者さんにも医療結果の一翼を担っていただかざるをえない側面を持っています。過誤に至らないまでも、医療トラブルの誘因や素地になっている問題が患者・医療者関係に横たわっています。医療者の患者さんに対するインフォームド・コンセント不足、患者さん側の疾病や治療など医学・医療に関する理解不足や不履行、患者さんが医療者に(反対に医療者が患者に)対する偏見、先入観や誤解などです。具体的によく見られるケースとして、質的・量的コミュニケーション不足、無理解、非協力、中断、治療タ� ��ミングの早すぎや遅すぎ、薬などの過剰(過少、重複)投与、迷信的民間療法への傾倒、医療情報の非共有などです。医療過誤を最も複雑化しているものは、医療者や医療に対する不信です(それらの状況をつくり出しているのは当然の事として患者・医療者関係)


誤操作を起す可能性のある装置は、早晩、誰かの操作によって誤作動を起してしまうようになるものです/マーフィーの法則。(If anything can go wrongIt will./Murphy's Law










EO2 IveBNXiVfރVR[nChQYj̏łɂ͉ߎ_f^Cv̏ŃVXe 𐄏Ă܂B

E 炩̗Rʼnߎ_f^CvgpɂȂȂꍇɂ́A_|wLTjhiPHMBjLƂȂA}`p[pX\[Vi1{ŐAAŁAۑł^CvjgpB

E ϕł͂ł܂B




1:名無しサンプリング@48kHz[sage] 2012/03/20(火) 13:06:40.








今の日本の現状ではほとんどの動物病院で1年に 1回のワクチン接種を勧めています。








※た� �し、今までに過剰接種している場合は、抗体ができにくい体になっている場合があります。。。個体によっても抗体ができにくい体の子もいます。その場合は、1年に1回、抗体検査をすることをお薦めします。抗体が残っていれば、ワクチン接種を控えて、抗体がなくなっていれば、追加接種することをお薦めします。





� ��もそもワクチンとは人間をさまざまな感染症から救ってくれた、なくてはならないものです。



. 「むずかしい微分積分」。いい本だと思う割に 気に入らないのは、たぶん私が書いた奴と似たノリだからだ。 なお、「大学レベルならdxとかdyを数のように四則演算していい」 と書いてあるが、その根拠は書かれてない。 何をどうすれば安心できるんだろう。 つうか、理系の人々はどういう過程を経て安心して それができる状態になってるんだろう。

. 結局凸包に帰ってくるのな。 たぶんみんなそのへんの奴をもってきて組みこんでるんだろう。 自力で書こうとすると脳がもたない。 データ構造をどうするか考えるだけで辛い。

. ゲーひつじこ復活。

. 家を2件見てきた。 一軒目は今より50mほど会社から遠くなるくらいの場所にあり、 フロの温度調節がない以外に問題はない。家賃も8.5万で 「アリかな」と思うものでは一番安かった。 二軒目は大鳥居の交差点からすぐの所にあり、 会社もビッグライズも近い。 フロは温度調節がついていた。 ただ国道沿いなので若干音があるのと、家賃が9.5万するのと、 新しい割に古く見えることが問題。

. そういえば昨日の朝も一軒見た。今よりもかなり糀谷寄り。 家賃は8万台で、フロは昔タイプ。 しかしそれ以外に問題はなし。

. まずこのあたりは一定以上の規模の集合住宅なら大抵光は来ている。 だから光ファイバーがある物件のみを選んでもほとんど選択肢は減らない。 テレビに関してだが、UHFアンテナがないというのはまずないので地デジは映る。 ケーブルが来ている率は低いので、 BSアンテナは自力で立てねばならないケースが多い。 また、8万台の物件はそこそこある。 今飛びつかなければなくなる、という類のものではおそらくない。

. なお、ひつじこが一番いいと思った奴はもう売れてしまったようだ。 結構すぐなくなるものらしい。 ただ同じ建物の2階が近く空くという話を聞いたので、 いつでも引っ越せるように整理を始めるべきかもしれない。 礼金なしなので、18万くらい浮くと考えれば、 3年住むと仮定して5千円安い部屋と同コストと考えられる。

. やっぱり分数のように扱うのは納得が行かない。 逆関数と考えると分子と分母をひっくり返せることは手を使って納得できた。 しかし、sqrt(dx^2-dy^2)のdx^2をくくり出して sqrt(1-(dy/dx)^2)dx と書く、みたいな自由度の高さがどうやって保証されるのかが やっぱりわからん。分子と分母をバラバラに好き放題していい、 ということを証明するのは、結構骨だ。 最終的にdy/dxという定義された記号になるものは証明できるが、 dyだけとかdxだけとかに定義の実体はないからな。 村山本は実用的で話が先に進むのはいいが、 納得したいという時には意外に足りない。

. LiSPSMがどういう流れで出てきたかを納得できる気配がした。 ただ、実際の歴史の流れはログな奴とかPSMとかが はさまっててなんか面倒くさい。 実際の歴史ではこいつらがあってのLiSPSMだということはわかるのだが、 物事を理解するためのストーリーを作る上では こいつらを省いてもやれるんじゃないだろうか。 均一な奴の弱点をちゃんと調べてやった上で、 「ここどうにかしたいよねー」「でも、ここで不便になるのは嫌だよねー」 みたいな話からいきなりLiSPSMが出てくるようなストーリーは作れないのだろうか。

. 誰か「納得して使うシャドウマップ」みたいな本作らないかな。 まずは普通のシャドウマップ。そしてそれを実用的にするためのカリング、 それに伴う幾何学系の処理、あとどうしても必要な透視変換行列を 自力で作るための基礎。そしてLiSPSM。 きちんと納得して使えるように導いてくれる本があるととてもうれしい。

. シュガー8話まで。やっぱりいい。 ちゃんと生きようと思った。

. ひつじこが大食いを見て興奮している。 一人やけに顔がいい人がすごい勢いで食ってておもしろかった。

. 幻想即興曲がやけに長い。まともな速度で弾けるようになれば なんでもない長さなんだろうが。 先にシンフォニア7をどうにかしよう。

. ふとジンギスカン食べたいと言ったらひつじこが過激に反応し、 そんな感じのものを作ることになった。 しかし丁度良く羊肉があるはずもなく、 100g69円の牛切り落としと、キャベツ、もやし、ピーマン、玉ねぎ。 そしてベル食品のジンギスカンのたれ。 先に野菜を鍋で蒸し焼きにした後肉を乗せた感じ。 肉は650gもあって半分しか食えなかったので、明日の昼もう一回作る。 今度は肉をタレに漬けておいたので少し味わいが違うと思う。 明日の朝ごはんはチャパティとカレー。

. ひつじこの足の皮をベビーフットで引き剥がしたい欲求にかられる。 ひつじこの足は何故か臭くならないが、 これが乾燥しているからなのか、そういう体質なのかを見極めたい。 足が臭くない人間がいるなんて私は夢にも思わなかった。

. 西糀谷2,3、東糀谷1,2,3,4、萩中3、羽田1。 まずはこの中から検索しよう。 検索サイトは10くらいあるっぽいので、 全部調べて片っ端から問い合わせ。 あとは目についた不動産屋に入って話を聞く。 うちのすぐ隣あたりに7.5万で2Kのがあるので、 これも即問い合わせ。

. 7.5万のを見てきた。風通し悪すぎ。却下。

. 東糀谷4丁目の奴。広い。 フロの設備が古い以外に問題はなさそう。9万。 ただし、光ファイバーが来ているかどうかは不明。 月曜にもう2軒見に行く。

. 痛みと吐き気が引くようにと手を当ててえんえん祈った。 私はいまいち気功とかはよくわからんが、 たぶんこれは気功みたいなもんなんだろう。 この手の妄想を小学生の頃からしていたせいか、 なんか通りが悪い所とかがなんとなくわかるような気がしなくもない。 効くのかどうかはさっぱりわからないが、 効いてる気がするとひつじこは言うのでそれでいい。 こんなことで役に立つならいくらでもやる。 なお、両手ではさんで片方から送りこんで片方から引き抜くような イメージでやっていたが、なんか冷たい何かをもらってきてしまって なかなか抜けない。

. シュガーを二人で1話見た。ひつじこも見られそうだ。 絵柄があまりにアニメなので不安だったが安心した。 考えてみればけいおんを見られるくらいなので心配する必要なんてなかったのだが。 ちらほら一緒に見ていこうと思う。

. 有川浩「フリーター家を買う」。 この人の最近の作品は物語性よりもメッセージ性を強く感じることが 多く、面白いには面白いがそんなにワクワクはしない。 ただそれはそれとして、真面目に働こうと思った。

. 荒山徹「鳳凰の黙示録」。途中からひどい。 肉付けする前のプロットがそのまま書かれているような感じで、 セブンブリッジを思い出す。 でも真田のザコっぷりは面白かった。

. 引越すことになった。子供ダメだって。 契約書に書かないんだなこういうこと。 で、不動産屋で聞いたのだが、 2DK以上なら大抵大丈夫だがそれでも100%ではなく、 1Kであれば大抵ダメだがダメだと書くことはまずないらしい。

. とりあえず、こうなっては仕方ない。 いつか2部屋以上必要になる日が来るのだから、 今回の引越しで2部屋ある家に入ることにする。 「昼休み帰れる距離」は非常に重要なので、 それを優先して検索してみたところ、 10万払う覚悟があればいくらでも出てくるし、 条件的も似たりよったりである。 あとは見ないとわからないことがあるだろうから、 片っ端から見に行って 動画とメモを撮りまくってくる感じになる。 一個だけ9万のところがあるので、 これに関しては今すぐ見に行く。 明らかに相場より安いからだ。 もしこれが問題ないならすぐ引っ越す。

. 問い合わせメールを出した。返事待ち。

. 光ファイバーがない可能性は結構高い。 ADSLになるとかなり遅くなるが、まあしゃーないな。 あと、ケーブルテレビがない可能性は相当高い。 加えて、今みたいにチューナーが置いてあることはまずありえないので テレビを買う必要がある。

. ゲームショーの感想とか書こうと思ったが、何あったっけ的な。 それどころじゃない。 でも、全体的にまったくワクワク感がなかったのは確か。 みんながんばって作ってるなあと思う一方で、 たぶんゲーム会社が相手にしないといけない人間は あのショーに来ない人々なのではないかと思う。 当然ながらあのショーはあそこに来るような奴に向けてやっているわけだが、 あそこに来るような奴はもはや多数派ではない。 やけにWiiのゲームが少なかったが、 それが即座にWiiが流行っていないことを意味するわけではないだろう。 大きな展示スペースを取る作品というのは、 どうしても見栄えがいい作品になりやすく、 結果的に金をかけて作った360やPS3の大作になる。 しかし、そういう大作が必ずしも100万200万売れるわけではないわけで、 展示してもさっぱり見栄えのしないDSや携帯のゲームこそが すでに主流になっているような気がする。

. にしても、携帯電話ゲームの進歩は案外遅いな。 ソフト側の問題なのかもしれないが、 スーファミレベルのゲームが大半に見える。 半導体の進歩を考えれば初代バーチャロンくらいは60フレームで 動いても良さそうなものだが、まだそこまでは来ないようだ。 iPhoneとかならいけるんだろうか。

. そういえば面積がえらく余っていた印象があるのだが。 あのショーそのものが縮小傾向なんじゃないだろうか。

. ひつじこはよく王獣のものまねをする。 実は吐いているだけなのだが。

. ロスプラ綺麗だったな。あれだけは鮮明に思い出せる。 どんだけがんばればああなるんだろ。 何をどう見せたいのかがはっきりしてるんだろう。

. 結局頂点足りないよな。今の絵を見てると。 輪郭に出ないポリゴンは法線マップやら何やらのおかげで 問題ないのだが、輪郭線はいつになってもなめらかにはならない。 曲面の動的分割が普通になる日は一向に来ないな。 しかし、よほど大写しになった時でない限り気になるほど ガクガクしているわけでもないわけで、 たぶんもう十分ということなんだろう。

. ひつじこがみかんの皮を鼻の穴に入れてじゃがいもを切っている。 楽らしい。

. 最近やけに引越しをすすめられるので、 状況を整理する。

. まず現状把握。現在の家は1Kで、専有面積は22.68平方。家賃は7万。 台所は5畳くらいあり、 かなり広い。台所に置くものはかなり多いので、 これが狭くなると結構困る。 少なくとも、「玄関から細長い廊下みたいなのがのびててそれが台所」 というタイプの家は無理だ。 あとの設備。風呂トイレ別、ガスがあり、 湯沸器があり、光ファイバーが来ており、 ケーブルテレビのチューナーが置いてあり、 そして、会社から走れば5分で帰ってこられる。 さて、問題は、これに相当する設備があって、 部屋が2つあるような物件がどれくらいあるかだ。 9万以下ではまずない。

. そもそも、何故引っ越す必要があるのか、ということを 一番始めに考える必要がある。 今足りないものはなんだろうか。 面積か。部屋数か。

. 面積に関して。 まず、今よりもかなり改善できる見込がある。 棚を買ってでっぱった窓の所に置けば 地べたにあるものをほとんど収納できるのでだいぶ空く。 PCが乗っているちゃぶ台は、PCの買い換えと再配置で モニタ以外は乗せる必要がなくなるので、 より小さな台を買ってきてモニタだけを置けば、 かなり面積が減る。 あと座椅子はたぶん捨てる。 押入の中もまだまだ捨てられる。 広い部屋に引っ越せばそれらのことをしなくても済むようにはなるが、 それにいまひとつ意味を感じない。

. 部屋数について。 まず子供のための部屋について。 部屋の明かりを消しておけるのはいいことだ。 確かにこの点は大きいかもしれない。 ここに住み続けるなら部屋の何か仕切りを作って光が 多少でも弱くなるような工夫がいるだろう。

. ひつじこと赤ちゃんが赤ちゃんのペースで寝起きするように なった時に私がどうするかは問題になるだろうな。 帰ってきて日記を書くとか、webを見るとかいうのは控えることになるんだろう。 しかし、PCを買い換えて移動できるようになれば、 私が台所でコソコソやればいいのかもしれないな。

. あと、妊婦が階段で3階まで上がらないといけない点を指摘されたが、 これに関してはひつじこに聞くしかない。 ひつじこがゲーな今はゴミ捨てや買い物の類はほぼ 私がやっているわけだが、 生まれて体力が戻るまで私がそれを続ければいいだけのことなら そうすればいいだけのことに思える。

. 一番深刻なのは泣き声が隣の部屋に及ぼす迷惑かもしれない。 しかし、これは建物の防音性能に依存するので、 引越し先が今よりいいとは限らない。 ピアノを置けるくらいの部屋に引っ越せば100%問題ないだろうが、 10万以下の家賃では無理だろう。 菓子折りを持って二人で挨拶に行こうということになった。








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東京医科歯科大学国際環境寄生虫病学 助教授 篠永 哲

1. 有害な動物とは?

 これらのうち、我々の生活圏内で見られるのはほんの僅かであり、少し範囲を拡げても一般のヒトの目にとまるのはそれほど多くはない。有害動物、一般に害虫とか害獣などと呼ばれている動物は、何らかの形でヒトに悪い影響を与えている動物を指している。この中には、昆虫やダニなどの節足動物のみでなく、クラゲなど腔腸動物、ウニのような棘皮動物、ヘビ、ネズミなど脊椎動物も含まれる。ただ単にヒトへの害と言っても一様ではない。また、同じ動物に 接してもそれに対する感じ方は個人差があるので、最初にここでとりあげる有害動物とその害について解説しておくことにする。




動物、とくに節足動物によって媒介される感染症は多い(JOMF News Letter, No.79, 2000)。病原体も、ウイルス、リケッチア、細菌、原生動物(原虫)、線形動物(線虫)など様々であり、媒介するのはカ、ブユ、サシチョウバエ、ヌカカ、アブ、ハエなどの双翅目昆虫、サシガメのような吸血性カメムシ、ダニやマダニなど多種、多様である。これら感染症と媒介動物は、地域によって異なる。



















温帯地域ではアカイエカ、熱帯、亜熱帯地域ではネッタイイエカが生息している。この2種は、ヒトの生活環境内にのみ生息しており、自然環境では見つからない。発生源は、下水溝、貯水槽、地上の留まり水、流れの遅い運河など様々である。農村部よりも都市に多く、開発途上国の都市では至る所で発生している。夜間吸血性で、吸血活動の盛んな時間帯は夜の10時頃から朝の3時頃までである。明るくなると物陰にかくれる。  これら2種は、バンクロフト糸状虫症(フィラリア)の媒介蚊として知られている。夜間にフィラリア患者の末梢血中に出現した糸状虫の幼虫(ミクロフィラリア)を、吸血時に体内に取りこむと、熱帯地域では10~14日で感染可能な幼虫にまで成長し、再度蚊が吸血する際にヒトの体に入る。成虫は、リンパ管、リンパ節に寄生するが、虫体が蓄積されて症状が出現するまでには、約1年くらいかかる。糸状虫は、線形動物(線虫)の一種で人体内では分裂、増殖はしない。したがって、流行地に長期滞在しない限り感染しても発症の心配はない。











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Who are the Democrats? Part III

Who are the Democrats? Part III by Thom Gorman
published February 10, 2012

The Issue of Slavery

The simple listing of U.S. presidents, that I posted in Part II, serves to show the reader, that the Democratic Party was the party of slavery and segregation. That statement is easily verified using other sources, so I wont belabor it.
The lead up to the War Between the States (the Civil War) its cause and the aftermath have been edited out of almost every history book, printed in the U.S. This political editing, or abridgement, was done at the state and local levels, by school boards, all across the country. They would not place an order, with a publisher, who refused to edit out, what they didnt like. These groups are largely peopled by Democrats, for the simple reason that they are by and large all employees, with regular work hours. The Republicans, they worked for, were still at work, during school board meeting times. This may seem overly simplistic, but how many second shift workers go to parent/teacher meetings or are in the PTA? History sometimes turns, on the simplest of reasons.


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How to Successfully Set Up a Hair Salon

Part 1: Where to begin?

Congratulations on deciding to start your own salon business. Statistics in recent years clearly show that the hair salon sector world-wide is growing and the chances of being at a stage of dynamic growth in the near future for a salon business is high. The reason for this is people generally care more about themselves and their appearance, realizing that it has a direct effect on the success of their careers and personal lives. They also know that from the experts they can expect quality and good value for money.

Start with a Business Plan

The first step in realizing your salon business is coming up with a thoroughly well thought out and researched business plan. It is the single most important element of starting a new business. In your plan you should outline your whole business idea, vision, plans, and strategies – although it should remain flexible to any future 'surprises'. Not only is it necessary for the successful launch of your salon, but another use of a plan, other than knowing what action to take and why, is its usefulness when it comes to getting investors, bank loans, and also advice from others with experience. It also gives you a chance to thoroughly think your finances through and plan accordingly. Remember that those starting a business with a solid economic strategy are more likely to succeed than those with a great idea, product or patented invention.

Research Your Competition

Make every effort to accurately discern the action and practices of your competition. It is worthwhile to choose a group of salons that are already successful and who have a similar target group of customers as you do, and then see what makes them successful or where they are lacking. Conduct field research. Visit as a customer, and get a feel for what your customer will expect, and how you will be able to provide the services. You can then skillfully adapt these solutions to your business. Leave what doesn't work, and adapt what may work for you.

Create a Brand, not just a Brand name


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Info on An internet based Cash Loan To fund An individual's Instantaneous DemandsMichele's Blog

The data an individual send will be residing in a safe and secure data bank this not any outsider can easily accessibility and so you don't see any security problems to bother with. By having an online payday loan, where only you as well as bank understand that you take out of loan, it will save you by yourself from your more problems. You should make sure they will always ensure ones safety while using the the website, whilst keeping ones details any solution.

Because of the comfort of accomplishing the complete process on the internet without needing to phase away from home, receiving Countrywide Payday loans online is a well-liked choice. And through some time of will need this sort of firms can also give payday cash loans default consumers. Go with wooden extended required in loan merchants to do precise credit report checks about each of their applicants.

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Home Inspections by Barrie Home Inspections

A home inspection is a limited, non-invasive examination of the condition of a home. Most Real Estate companies now recommend a home inspection. Home inspections are usually conducted by a home inspector who has the training and certifications to perform such inspections. The inspector prepares and delivers to the client a written report of findings. The client then uses the knowledge gained to make informed decisions about their pending real estate purchase. The home inspector describes the condition of the home at the time of inspection but does not guarantee future condition, efficiency, or life expectancy of systems or components.


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Great Work From Home Jobs For College Students

College life can be very exciting- and demanding. Unless you have enough money for your studies, most college students would try to look for extra income to pay for school expenses and other personal needs.

Some venture into part time jobs as a babysitter, waiter, student assistant, tutor, tour guide, and the list goes on. However, with the advent of technology, online jobs became popular. Online work is more convenient because you can earn money easily without leaving the comfort of your home.

So what are some work from home jobs for college students?

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News from the Valley of the Kings: Face of Tutankhamun

I am catching up on a few things and found  really nice little article about the face of Tutankhamun by Marianne Luban.


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David talking about how his Mission will effect his music « David Archuleta Vietnam

XIN MSN interviews David while he's in Singapore for Star World American Idol Party

Click the screencap below to watch the interview: David Archuleta talks Mormon Mission and his first lead role in a drama series.

David Archuleta may only be 21-years-old but there is no question the young star is wise beyond his years.

In just a couple of months, he will vacate the limelight to go on a two-year Mormon mission in an undisclosed country – an undertaking he was motivated to pursue after seeing how lives have changed for his friends who embarked on it.

"Reading some of the news of my friends who have been on missions, they've really matured in their spirituality. And their understanding for life changed, just by giving everything up to help other people. I really admired them and I want to make that same sacrifice for a good cause," David, who is currently in town to perform at a private showcase tonight, told xinmsn in an interview yesterday.

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So Easy Yet So Decadent……Chocolate Volcanoes with Raspberry Coulis « The Best of Bridge

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Tags: baking, dessert


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Top 10 SEO Tools (Free Download)

Hello to all  readers. I assume that you read this post about the Top 10 SEO Tools because you're interested in SEO. If you're a blogger or website owner you maybe need to learn the basic SEO. Maybe some of the website owner knows how important SEO is to their website that's why they need to hire some people to do SEO on their blog. You can contact me if you need one :).

Backlinks, keyword research,submit and posting the links to blog and forums, guest posting are some words that you should know. For more the advance SEO terms visit here >> Always 10 - The Top Ten Lists written by Tristan

Now I would like to share the Top SEO Tools that you might used. You can also download the installer of the  Top 10 SEO Tools for free.

10. Article Submitter v2

You could submit your website for over 4500 directories, 500 plus article directories and 200 feed sites easily. For more info >> Article Submitter.

9. Market Samurai - Keyword Analysis Research

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The Simple Dollar » Reader Mailbag: Time Conflict

What's inside? Here are the questions answered in today's reader mailbag, boiled down to five word summaries. Click on the number to jump straight down to the question.
1. Using wedding money wisely
2. Percentage of savings for retirement
3. Asking for wedding money tactfully
4. What to do with savings?
5. Self-employment advice
6. Retirement Roth versus 529
7. Repayment troubles
8. Windfall options
9. Debt snowball or not?
10. Prioritizing reading

What do you do when you have a family commitment on the same day as something you've been planning to do with a friend for months? What if the two events are two states away from each other?

My solution right now involves a one-way flight and an extremely tightly booked day after my family commitments are complete. Family comes first, of course, but some creative thinking (and a bit of hyper-rushed travel) can make everything work.

Q1: Using wedding money wisely
I am getting married in June (huge wedding, not our choice!) and we conservatively anticipate receiving about $15,000 in gifts from our family and friends. In the past year, we have moved across the country to be closer to family and have finally in the last 6 months or so settled into our new routine. We bought a home, actually the one that we were renting. The owner wanted to sell and offered us first chance, she gave us owner financing, and counted all of our rent as a down payment. The house is livable but needs significant updates to all of the bathrooms and the kitchen. I found employment, but have significant travel everyday. Because of this, we had to trade in my car and get something more reliable for the winter weather and the route that I drive.

Our debt is as follows:
Student Loan 1: 10,000 @ 8.5%
Student Loan 2: 10,800 @ 6.8%
Student Loan 3: 7500 @ 6.8%
Car Loan: 14,000 @ 4.99%
Mortgage: 143,000 @ 5%

I am the breadwinner, my salary is $43,000. My fiance works part time at a university and is going to school for his master's degree (free while he is employed there). We live off of my salary and save his. We do have an emergency fund saved up ($1000) and then other money in an online savings account for any other life events (approx 15,000). I pay $1000 a month towards debt (not counting the mortgage), which is the minimum on everything except for the SL at 8.5%. We have lived very frugally for the past 4 years and will probably always do so.

My question is: should we use the wedding money to pay down the loans as much as possible, or should we put that into savings and use it for repairs on the house? I feel guilty using the money to pay down the debt, but I know it's probably the better choice for now and repair/update the house at a later time. I would love to buy new bedroom furniture (everything we have are hand-me-downs and nothing matches, plus we need a new mattress) and possibly renovate 1 or 2 of the bathrooms. It is MY student loan debt, but I'm also supporting the whole household. My fiance is fine with paying off the loans, but I'm feeling guilty.
- Marjorie

It really depends on how urgent the updates you need to make are. You say the house is livable, but that it needs updates. Is this for the purposes of decor? Or are there really important functions missing?

If it's mostly decor, I wouldn't make that a high priority unless you're looking to sell the place fairly soon. I'd pay off the debt first.

If you're in a position to sell soon or these repairs will make a significant functional improvement, then I'd go for the home repair.


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Modern Warfare 3 Dedicated Server Setup Guide

Want to set up your own Modern Warfare 3 dedicated server ? follow the instructions to set up your dedicated server and learn how you can get other people host and join that server.

The steps are pretty simple – install the files, configure your server, and get it online. The configuration part involves creating a recipe and a playlist.

Once your dedicated server is online, you will need RCON to control it. We will go step by step in this guide, so let's get started. For more help on Modern Warfare 3, read our Weapons Equipment, Perks, Streaks, and Strike Packages, and Crashes troubleshooting guide.

There are five steps to get your Modern Warfare 3 server online and they are:

  1. Create a Set of Recipes
  2. Create a Playlist
  3. Start Dedicated Server Executable and Console
  4. Set Up Playlist, Map Rotation, and Go LIVE!

Step 1 – How To Create and Edit Modern Warfare 3 Recipes

Recipe in principle is a set of match rules you assign to a given map. In this section, you will learn you can create, save, change, and load recipes in Modern Warfare 3 dedicated server. You will find several example recipes in the folder location specified below, which you can edit using any standard text editor.

Example Recipes can be found here:

\steamapps\common\modern warfare 3\admin\*.dsr

*If you can't find them here, look in the players2 folder.

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BlueHostCoupon.us Announces New 2012 Coupon Code for BlueHost

St. George, UT (PRWEB) February 03, 2012

BueHostCoupon.us features detailed reviews of the BlueHost web hosting service and features as well as the best BlueHost coupon offers. This website is a great resource for anyone that is researching web hosting and wants to learn more about the web hosting features and plans offered by BlueHost. One will also find BlueHost comparisons that show how BlueHost web hosting stacks up against the competition. From personal web hosting to a full-fledged web hosting reseller program, BlueHost has the products and services to meet a variety of web hosting needs.


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Question: How to Create Bootable Linux USB Key/Drives Easily from Linux

Answer to this quite clear and simple question is:


Not the easiest to find but definitely one of the easiest solutions.

If you search for USB bootable drive generators mostly you will find windows apps.

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How to Help Kids with Language Disorders

Some people may consider language and speech sounds as on and the same, but there lies a huge difference between these two. Language is a sign system used to expand concepts and allows understanding. It is articulated through speech, but it can also be transmitted through other means such as sign language and musical notations.  Children with linguistic proficiency can have a distinct advantage in schools as there the lectures are delivered in a language. Language plays a vital role in academics.

Therefore, it is not wrong if anyone comments that children with language dysfunction usually have a troubled educational career. Language disorders in children can be divided into two kinds- expressive language disorder and receptive language disorder. In the former kind of disorder, children often fail to express their feelings to others; whereas in the latter one, children could not understand the meaning of what people conveyed to them.


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The Best of Today » Blog Archive » What It Takes to be a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and How Much Money You Could Expect to Earn

CRNA is short for certified registered nurse anesthetist and also this ranking is one of many highest salaried jobs in the health occupation. Some nurse anesthetists bring in even more compared to medical doctors. The title of certified registered nurse anesthetist came into being in 1956 but nursing staff have been administering anesthesia since the start of anesthesia throughout the Civil War.

You probably have got various questions regarding what a CRNA does, what kind of money they might generate, plus how to become a CRNA and this article will hopefully help answer those questions in your case.

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» Useful Methods of Burning Fat But Not Muscle Naples G4

When it comes to burning fat and not muscle there is a very interesting aspect to it all which involves the way in which the body reacts to various things. As an example, lots of people think that removing fat from their diet is essential, so they just eat lean and fat free foods. There is a sudden drop in the amount of fat they consume.

Your body will hoard fat by doing this which is a problem. Your body will want to conserve every bit of fat that it has, and that is not exactly what we are looking for here. Your body needs a minimum amount of fat each day, so you should only reduce it without being extreme. Below are some more useful tips on how to burn fat but not muscle.


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Have U.S. Equities Disconnected From the Euro?

The jobs report just came out at the high end of consensus, and ES shot higher along with NQ while the Euro and treasuries dropped.

The Euro remains my "Rip Van Winkle" trade - - if I had to place and short and not touch it for months, this would be it.


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Download Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die ebook

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Replica Watches Report, Fake Watches Report » How to remove unwanted hair at home

MANILA, Philippines – With summer just around the corner, people are starting to prepare their skin for the beach.

Those who want a quick fix usually go to a salon to have their armpits Replica watches, legs or bikini line waxed, while others go to a beauty clinic for a "permanent hair reduction."

More often than not, these methods are effective in getting rid of unwanted hair. Unfortunately for some, such procedures can prove to be expensive, especially when done regularly.

If you have no budget for these pricey services, here are some tips from ABS-CBN Umagang Kay Ganda host Phoemela Baranda on how you can remove unwanted hair at home:


Shaving is the removal of hair using a blade, such as a razor.

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How to restore files missing because of virus « Virus Removal Toolbox

Resolving the problem of files, folders and other important data missing because of virus malicious activity on infected computer has become the challenge number one for many PC security companies, sites, forums and blogs today. Users not only need to actually remove the virus which became the source of such problem but, surely, they want to recover all their files and the entire information that became hidden by malware programs. It should be noted that such badware programs performing the above-mentioned modifications to hide user's data are referred to the group of fake hard drive defragmenters. In this blog they belong to the category named 'fake HDD'. For successful restoration of infected computers after fake HDD virus attack not only the virus removal is necessary. This job can be accomplished quite easily for the powerful anti-virus. The very removal process is described on the example of System Check virus, one of the representatives of the above-mentioned malware family. The next step that must be accomplished successfully is restoring the files hidden by virus. There are various applications that can be downloaded and executed in order to perform this restoration job automatically. We will make emphasis, however, on manual restoration of missing data. This is because sometimes the above-mentioned utilities do not work for some reasons.


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What are Lip injections? « Centired.co.uk

Lip augmentation technique is used to increase the proportions of the lips. This kind of medical procedure has been used world wide to enhance the fantastic thing about lips. The upper and bottom lip is treated on it's own in this particular technique. The size of the lips is changed simply by injecting collagen within the lips. The techniques of lip injections are generally temporary and permanent.

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Sprites fire too many events?

Is there a reason each sprite fires the beforedestroy, destroy and render events?

I have a drawing application with several hundred sprites and I don't find these events useful.

I think they just slow down the Ext.draw code. I searched the Ext.chart package... and I don't see that these events are used internally either.



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What Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga can learn from the Lord of the Rings, Sherlock Holmes, Star Wars (and Lynyrd Skynyrd and Peter Frampton)


I've been thinking. Breaking Dawn Part 2 is coming out at the end of the year.

And then what?

  • What's going to happen with Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga? More films? A new television series?
  • What about the Leah-Renesmee sequel?
  • And the two sequels for The Host? And their movies?
  • And the several-hundred-pages-already-written cannibalistic mermaid series?
  • And what about the book that shall not be named, (gasp), Midnight Sun?

I started comparing Twilight with other notable franchises. And I've some thoughts to share with you about all that. I'd love to hear your thoughts, too, in comments below.


"I say, Holmes, this is a very long post.  We're doomed."


"Great books aren't written, they're re-written." – Michael Crichton

The Lord of the Rings

J.R.R. Tolkien wrote a young adult novel, "The Hobbit," in 1937.  You've probably heard of it.

The publisher's young son read the final draft for "The Hobbit," pronounced it "good" but said it needed some maps, so Tolkien drew those out, they were added, and the book was published.  It did alright.  It's since been published in countless languages and editions.

(You'll be able to see the first half of the story — along with some additions merely-alluded-to in the text about the resurrection of Sauron — in an upcoming film version from Peter Jackson to be released in theaters on December 14, 2012.)

So, since that turned out alright, Professor Tolkien decided to write some sequels.  Great idea!

But things did not go so well this time.  First,  the publishers rejected his original plans for the sequel.  Second, it was written in stages between 1937 and 1949, which is a very long time. Especially because he'd actually started jotting down notes long before he wrote "The Hobbit."  So, decades went into the sequel.   Which is a H-E-double-hockey-sticks long time to write one stinkin' story.

It took a long time because Tolkien wasn't entirely sure how he wanted the story to go.  For example, after the hobbits leave the Shire, they stumble upon an Adam and Eve set of characters, who sing a lot.  And the hobbits are almost destroyed by a bunch of ghosts.  The story kind of stops around there.  That section was cut out of the film (they just trudge through the swamps on-screen).

Originally, half of the sequel was originally supposed to be, "The Lord of the Rings," which is itself a collection of six books (two within each part of the trilogy).  You've probably heard of that one, too.

The other half was "The Silmarrillion."  Which you probably haven't heard of. Because it wasn't ever finished.  (There is a book published with that title, but it is based on unfinished manuscripts and random writing exercises and, frankly, is a bit difficult to get through. It was "polished" and released by Tolkien's son, who has since released a few more fleshed-out stories from his father. They aren't exactly great, but who can blame him?)

As for "The Lord of the Rings," it was completed, published, adored (voted "greatest book of all time," which, you know, is pretty good), and of course made into three films, which will make over $3 billion-with-a-B dollars before it's all said and done.  Even though it has been repeatedly attacked as total crap by many, many, many literary "experts."

Regardless, that turned out alright, didn't it?  Other than the fact that it all turned out completely different from what Tolkien originally had in mind.


"Easy reading is damn hard writing." – Nathaniel Hawthorne


Sherlock Holmes

Arthur Conan Doyle wrote a series of crime stories about a character named Sherlock Holmes.  Which you probably already know.

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After brutal primary, Romney claims Florida win

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney stormed to a convincing win in Florida's Republican presidential primary Tuesday, bolstering the front-runner's argument that he is the best candidate to compete with President Barack Obama in swing states in the general election, reports Brandon Larrabee of the News Service of Florida.

With 98 percent of precincts reporting, Romney had 46 percent of the vote to former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich's 32 percent. Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum and Texas Congressman Ron Paul were running far behind, with 13 and 7 percent of the vote, respectively.

The win allowed Romney to show off his ability to win a state that will be the largest competitive prize in the November showdown with Obama.


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A Success Story Every Back Slider, Worldy Christian and Christian with Issues Will Want to Read

This true story is The Confession of St. Augustine for today's therapeutic society. If you liked Unbroken or Luis Zamperini's Devil at My Heels, you will want to read the inspiring story of a guy who overcame mental health and emotional issues. Mike is the 21st Century's Everyman. And he's got a sense of humor too.

Mike's Story "How I overcame depression,
bipolar, OCD, anxiety and other
issues without drugs"

is now available

Mike's Story "How I overcame depression,
bipolar, OCD, anxiety and other
issues without drugs." is the powerful personal testimony of someone who overcame mental health and other issues and went on to enjoy a successful, productive life.

Mike tells you about his childhood:

the traumas,
the obsessions
and compulsions,
his shyness and bipolar.
Mike tells you about his twenties: the
depression, the doubts and the fears.

You will hear him talk about how Zorro and Colombo helped him get through.

You'll find out what the Zen Master said.

You'll read about Mike's close call with Dr. Rough Handling.

Mike loves to philosophize about life, love,

and he likes Frank Sinatra too.

For each stage of his life he reveals how he moved on and left the issues behind.

Mike saves the best for last:

How he found his
spiritual roots with the help of meditation,
a change of heart,
and a hug and a kick in the pants from God.

Table of Contents

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Disaster Survival & Medical treatment w/Tampons - JEMS Connect

Yes, it's useful for everybody in the world.

The trick is getting them to take it, and refresh often enough to remember it. 

Tampons are also pretty useful for shotgun cleaning.


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"Turn your PC into a WiFi access point"

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Exactly what You're Thirsting Intended for; The Revitalizing Properties involving Water

It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and you're looking for something to haul you out of the energy slump. The very best choices tend to be sugar- or even fat-laden snacks from a vending device or beverages loaded with caffeine.

Nice snacks can create surges and dips in blood sugar levels, which will make you're feeling more fatigued. And fatty meals do little for your energy. That donut may have appeared like recommended when you were famished, yet, soon, it's like it is possible to feel that sitting in your gut, evaluating you along.

Beverages meant to give you an energy jolt can also have the opposite impact. Just one cup of coffee might help keep a person energized for approximately six hours, but caffeine can result in a period of tiredness by interfering with REM sleeping. Alcohol presents a increase whammy; that causes your body to lose nutrients, plus it warps sleeping patterns.

Here's a secret to revitalization, particularly effective for the afternoon blahs: Treat yourself to a tall, ice-cold glass of drinking water.

Water has wonderful restorative properties. It's a natural, fat-free appetite suppressant which contains no calories no cholesterol. It is lower in sodium, helps your body metabolize fat, helps maintain skin and muscle strengthen, and improves energy.


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How to install a large wall mirror

Once order has been delivered, there are some things you should take note of if you want to install it safely. First, extract the great mirror to find frames around the mirror. If the frame in place ensure that there are strong eye screw on both sides of the frame. Needed for the image of the end of a screw wire thread until the end of the second and ensure the ends of the wire closely. If there are no frames in the mirror should be mirror clips instead.

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Protein propaganda: It's what's for dinner

Early USDA guidelines highlighted the "meat group."

This post is part of Protein Angst, a series on the environmental and nutritional complexities of high-protein foods. Our goal is to publish a range of perspectives on these very heated topics. Add your feedback and story suggestions here.

Most vegetarians are tired of being asked, "Where do you get your protein?" by a seemingly concerned family member, friend, or even stranger.

I know many vegetarians and none of us have come close to suffering from Kwashiorkor. Never heard of it? It's a form of malnutrition from lack of protein, found in areas of famine and extreme poverty. Protein deficiency is rare in the developed world, despite a significant portion of the population eschewing meat.

So where did this idea come from that vegetarians and vegans are doomed to a life of protein deficiency?

Protein propaganda


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The Inside
Venture through a dark, cynical world in search of your beloved. But you may discover more than you bargained for.

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How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy

A healthy pregnancy is a key in having an enjoyable and trouble-free pregnancy. It is also the main factor in having a baby that is in good physical shape. And to be able to achieve this, you have to calculate due date of your pregnancy. Calculating due date is crucial in giving proper care for your baby's overall health and development. By knowing the present stage of your pregnancy with the help of calculating your due date, you will be able to give the appropriate care that your body and your baby needs.

Below are the things that you should keep in mind to be able to have a healthy pregnancy.

Plan Your Pregnancy


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Quick Money Making Ideas

If you are looking for quick money making ideas then you are strapped for cash and the first place to start looking is at home. You have stuff, things that you no longer use or need. Time to get rid of these things and generate some needed income. Check your closet, the basement, kids toys, there are always things around the house that you can sell.

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Those Fine Young GOP Cannibals

We have witnessed something very disturbing this week. The Republican establishment which fought Ronald Reagan in the 1970s and which continues to fight the grassroots Tea Party movement today has adopted the tactics of the left in using the media and the politics of personal destruction to attack an opponent.
Sarah Palin, "Cannibals in GOP Establishment Employ Tactics of the Left", 27 January 2012
You know what I so like about Sarah? He completely comical disregard for any facts, starting the the very first paragraph of her of her nearly 1,400 word turgid screed she "penned" on her Facebook page. Since we're talking about facts, let's talk a few facts about Ronald Reagan, especially around the 1970's when he allegedly fought against the heinous Republican establishment.
  1. 1964 - Ronald Reagan campaigns for Barry Goldwater, releasing his "Time for Choosing" speech which raised $1 million for the Goldwater campaign and launched his political career in California. This is the year that Sara Palin is born. I'm 10 years old at the time.
  2. 1967 - Regan is elected to his first term as governor of California, defeating two-term incumbent Edmond G. "Pat" Brown. Sara Palin is three, and I'm 13.
  3. 1968 - Reagan joins the "Stop Nixon" movement within the Republican party in an effort stop Nixon from being nominated in Miami that year. Nixon winds up with 625 delegate votes, 25 more than he needed and thus dominating the convention. Nelson Rockefeller comes in second, and Reagan comes in third.

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Crochet Spot » Blog Archive » Crocheting With Wire

A lot of crocheters make jewelry, too, and there are many wonderful pieces out there like beaded ropes and bracelets and necklaces made with thread. For those who want to use metal in their crochet jewelry, wire is the way to go. However, there are many considerations to take into account when making crocheted wire jewelry.

If you're going to crochet with wire, you need the right hooks. Wood and plastic get damaged easily, so metal is best. Since the wire is such a fine material, you may want to use steel crochet hooks for a lot of your work.


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Salt Boosts Blood Pressure, but via Adrenalin

(Scientific American) — People with high blood pressure are often told to watch the salt. And it's long been thought that hypertension related to excess salt is caused by the salt increasing the volume of the blood. Which in turn puts added pressure on the blood vessel walls. But going back to the 1960s and '70s, some researchers thought that the salt might be having a different effect.


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Magdalene, Mary

From New World Encyclopedia

Mary Magdalene is described, both in the canonical New Testament and in the New Testament apocrypha, as a devoted disciple of Jesus. She is considered by the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglican churches to be a saint, with a feast day of July 22. She is also commemorated by the Lutheran Church with a festival on the same day.

Mary Magdalene's name identifies her as the "Mary of Magdala," after the town she came from, on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. Her name distinguishes her from the other Marys referred to throughout the New Testament. Yet the life of the historical Mary Magdalene is the subject of ongoing debate. Of particular interest is the question of her supposed identity as a prostitute, for which there is no direct biblical evidence. Her devotion to Jesus has led to a tradition that she may have been Jesus' wife, lover, or intended bride.

New Testament references

In Luke 8:2, Magdalene is mentioned as one of the women who "ministered to him [Jesus] of their substance." In other words, she provided Jesus with money or supplies. This passage also mentions an exorcism on Mary that cast out seven demons. These women, who earlier "had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities," later accompanied Jesus on his last journey to Jerusalem (Matthew, Mark, Luke) and were witnesses to the Crucifixion. Although she is often depicted at the foot of the cross, the synoptic Gospels specify that she and the other woman stood "afar off." John's Gospel, on the other hand, states that the women stood "Near the cross" [3]

In the early dawn of the first day of the week Mary Magdalene, and Mary the "mother of James,"[4] Matthew, Mark, and Peter came to the sepulcher in which Jesus' body had been placed with sweet spices to preserve the body. They found the sepulcher empty but saw the "vision of angels" (Matthew 28:5). As the first witness to the empty tomb, Mary Magdalene went to tell Simon Peter and "the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved," (John 20:1-2), (gaining her the epithet "apostle to the apostles") and again immediately returned to the sepulcher. She remained there weeping at the door of the tomb.

According to John she was the first witness of the Resurrection appearances of Jesus, though at first she did not recognize him. When he said her name she was recalled to consciousness, and cried, Rabboni. She wanted to embrace him, but he forbade her: (John 20:17) Jesus said to her, 'Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, "I am ascending to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God."'

This is the last entry in the canonical Gospels regarding Mary of Magdala, who now returned to Jerusalem. She is probably included in the group of women who joined the Apostles in the Upper Room in Jerusalem after Jesus' ascension (Acts 1:14).

Identification with other women

Tradition as early as the third century (Hippolytus, in his Commentary on Song of Songs) identifies Mary Magdalene with Mary of Bethany and the "sinful woman" who anointed Jesus' feet at the home of Simon the Pharisee.

And, behold, a woman in the city, which was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster box of ointment, and stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.[5]

Although the woman remains unnamed and this event takes place in Capernaum—while in John's Gospel a similar but clearly distinct event takes place in Bethany—this woman has been identified with both Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany, the sister of Martha and Lazarus (Luke 10:38-42 and John 11:1-2). As John 11:1-2 says:

Now there was a certain man sick, named Lazarus, of Bethany, of the town of Mary and Martha her sister. And Mary was she that anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair: whose brother Lazarus was sick.

The identification of Mary Magdalene with Mary of Bethany and "the woman who was a sinner" is reflected in an influential sermon Pope Gregory I gave in 591, which said: "She whom Luke calls the sinful woman, whom John calls Mary (of Bethany), we believe to be the Mary from whom seven devils were ejected according to Mark."